Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Manfaat Buah Sirsak

Manfaat Buah Sirsak Bagi Tubuh

Hal ini sangat wajar, karena buah sirsak mengandung banyak senyawa bermanfaat seperti serat, karbohidrat, kalium, Vitamin C, kalsium, air, dan lemak. Nah, dari sinilah kita bisa memprediksikan bagaimana manfaat buah sirsak bagi tubuh.
– Serat
Buah sirsak memiliki kandungan serat yang dapat membantu melancarkan pencernaan dan metabolisme dalam tubuh. Selain itu, kandungan serat dalam sirsak dapat mengontrol berat badan.
– Karbohidrat
Dalam satu gelas sirsak mengandung karbohidrat sebanyak 38 gram sebagai sumber energi tubuh. Karbohidrat yang terkandung dalam buah tentunya lebih sehat dibandingkan yang terdapat dalam kue yang justru berakibat buruk bagi kadar gula dalam darah seseorang.
– Kalium
Sirsak mengandung kalium yang dapat membantu otot-otot di dalam tubuh, mengatur tingkat tekanan darah, dan juga untuk perbaikan tulang.
– Vitamin C
Sirsak memiliki kandungan vitamin C tinggi yang berperan sebagai antioksidan. Antioksidan inilah yang berfungsi untuk melawan berbagai macam penyakit dalam tubuh, termasuk menyembuhkan luka dan mencegah kerusakan kulit.
– Air
Sirsak juga mengandung banyak air, bahkan dalam secangkir sirsak memiliki kandungan air sebanyak 183 gram. Maka wajar jika buah sirsak dapat mencegah terjadinya dehidrasi tubuh.
– Fosfor dan Kalsium
Kandungan mineral lainnya yang terdapat dalam sirsak adalah fosfor dan kalsium. Dalam 100 gram buah sirsak terdapat fosfor sebanyak 27 mg dan kalsium sebanyak 14 mg. Mineral-mineral inilah yang bermanfaat untuk pembentukan tulang serta menghambat terjadinya osteoporosis.

Manfaat Buah Sirsak Untuk Kolesterol, Asam Urat, Hipertensi

Buah sirsak memiliki rasa yang manis dan segar apalagi ketika dijadikan jus. Dibalik kelezatan buah sirsak, ternyata menyimpan sejuta manfaat yang sangat baik bagi tubuh. Semua zat yang terkandung di dalamnya bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Ingin tahu apa saja khasiat buah sirsak bagi tubuh? Berikut manfaat dari buah sirsak yang wajib Anda ketahui, antara lain:
– Manfaat buah sirsak untuk kolesterol
Seperti kita ketahui di atas, buah sirsak mengandung banyak serat yang baik bagi tubuh. Dalam 100 gram daging buah sirsak ternyata bisa memenuhi kebutuhan serat harian tubuh sebanyak 13 %. Nah, serat ini jugalah yang berperan baik dalam penyerapan kolesterol jahat di dalam tubuh. Sehingga mempermudah kolesterol jahat keluar dari tubuh, yang artinya hanya kolesterol baiklah yang tinggal di dalam tubuh.
– Manfaat buah sirsak untuk hipertensi
Tak hanya daun sirsak saja yang bisa mengobati darah tinggi atau hipertensi. Ternyata, buah sirsak yang rasanya lezat pun memiliki khasiat yang sama untuk mengobati hipertensi. Beberapa penelitian, telah membuktikan khasiat buah sirsak ini yang mampu mengobati penyakit hipertensi. Hal ini dikarenakan, buah sirsak mengandung zat-zat yang mampu menangkal terjadinya hipertensi. Jadi, jika Anda ingin sehat maka konsumsi buah sirsak setiap hari.
– Manfaat buah sirsak untuk asam urat
Manfaat lainnya dari buah sirsak adalah dapat mengobati asam urat. Dengan mengkonsumsi buah sirsak secara rutin, maka tubuh akan terhindar dari penyakit asam urat.

sumber: http://disehat.com/manfaat-buah-sirsak-untuk-asam-urat-kolesterol-hipertensi/

Relative Clause

A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
The relative pronouns are:
for people
can substitute for subject nouns/pronouns (he, she, we, they)
for people
can substitute for object nouns/pronouns (him, her, us, them)
for people
can substitute for possessive nouns/pronouns (his, hers, our, their)
for people or things
can be either subject or object
can only be used in restrictive relative clauses (see below)
for things
can be either subject or object
can be used in non-restrictive relative clauses
can also be used in restrictive relative clauses, though some people don’t like this use
Relative pronoun as subject (in red):
I like the person. The person was nice to me.
I like the person who was nice to me.
I hate the dog. The dog bit me.
I hate the dog that bit me.
I am moving to Louisville, KY. It is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
Relative pronoun as object (in red):
I like the bike. My father gave me the bike.
I like the bike that my father gave me.
Restrictive Relative Clauses
Restrictive relative clauses give information that defines the noun—information that’s necessary for complete identification of the noun. Use “that” or “which” for non-human nouns; use “that” or “who” for human nouns. Do not use commas.
I like the paintings. (Which paintings? We can’t clearly identify them without the relative clause.)
So we add the clause:
The paintings hang in the SASB North lobby.
I like the paintings that hang in the SASB North lobby.
I like the paintings which hang in the SASB North lobby. (Again, this is acceptable, but some people object to using “which” in a restrictive relative clause. “That” is preferred.)
Students who study hard will do well in my class. (Only this group of students will do well.)
Students whose grades are low can drop one test score. (Only this group can drop a test score.)
When the noun is the object of the preposition, both the noun and the preposition move together to the front of the relative clause. In less formal English, it’s common to move only the pronoun to the front of the clause.
I spent hours talking with a person last night. I hope to hear from her.
I hope I hear from the person with whom I spent hours talking last night. (more formal)
I hope to hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last night. (less formal)
Non-restrictive Relative Clauses
This type of relative clause merely provides extra information. This information may be quite interesting and important to the larger conversation, but it is not essential for precise identification of the noun. “That” cannot be used as a relative pronoun in a non-restrictive relative clause. Commas are always used at the beginning and end of this type of relative clause.
A non-restrictive relative clause can modify a single noun, a noun phrase, or an entire proposition.
My mother is thinking of opening a restaurant. My mother is an excellent cook.
“My mother” is already a clearly defined noun, so the second sentence becomes a non-restrictive relative clause set off by commas on both sides.
My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.
I’m planning to grow roses. I find roses quite beautiful.
I’m planning to grow roses, which I find quite beautiful.
(not okay) I’m planning to grow roses, that I find quite beautiful.
I’m driving across the country with three small children.
Driving across the country with three small children is going to be stressful.
I’m driving across the country with three small children, which is going to be stressful.

Reducing Relative Clauses
Some types of relative clauses can be “reduced”— the relative pronoun and maybe other words can be removed. You might reduce the clause to make your writing more concise or to add sentence variety. We’ll use the examples above to demonstrate how to reduce both restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.
Restrictive relative clauses can be reduced in two ways.
Subject pronouns can be deleted if –ing is added to the verb.
I like the paintings that hang in the SASB North lobby.
I like the paintings hanging in the SASB North lobby.
Object pronouns can be deleted.
I like the bike that my father gave me.
I like the bike my father gave me.
I hope I hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last night.
I hope to hear from the person I spent hours talking with last night.
Non-restrictive relative clauses can be reduced in one way.
Subject pronouns with “be” verbs can be deleted in non-restrictive clauses.
I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
I am moving to Louisville, KY, home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.
My mother, an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.

Subject-Verb Agreement in Relative Clauses
Remember that the relative pronoun is substituting for a noun, which could be singular or plural before the substitution. The verb in the relative clause must agree with the original noun.
 People are lucky. People win the lottery.
 People who win the lottery are lucky. (plural verb)
 A person is lucky. She wins the lottery every year.
 A person who wins the lottery every year is lucky. (singular verb)
This can be tricky in “one of the…” constructions. The key is to find which noun the relative pronoun is referring to.
Homelessness is a problem. The problem needs to be addressed.
Homelessness is a problem that needs to be addressed. (singular problem)
Many problems need to be addressed. Homelessness is one of the problems.
Homelessness is one of the problems that need to be addressed. (plural problems)

Sumber : http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/relative-clauses/

Tugas Softskill Bulan Ke 4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 37 : Relative clauses
1.     That
2.     That
3.     Whom
4.     Whom
5.     That
6.     Whom
7.     Whom
8.     Whom
9.     That
10.   That
11.   Whom
12.   That
13.   Whom
14.   That
15.   Whom

Exercise 38 : Relative clause reduction
1.     George is the man chosen to represent the convention
2.     All of the money accepted has already been released
3.     The papers on the table belong to patricia
4.     The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime
5.     The girl drinking coffee is Mery Allen.
6.     John's wife, a profesor, has written several papers on this subject
7.     The man talking to the policeman is my uncle
8.     The book on the top shelf in the one that i need
9.     The number of students counted is quite high
10.   Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day

Exercice 39 : Subjunctive
1.     The teacher demanded that the student leave the room
2.     It was urgent that he call her immediately
3.     It was very important that we delay discussion
4.     She intends to move that the committee suspends discussion on this issue
5.     The king decreed that the laws take effect the following month
6.     I propose that you should stop this rally
7.     I advise you to take the prerequisites before registering for this course
8.     His father prefers that he attends a different university
9.     The faculty stipulated that the rule be abolish
10.   She urged that we find another alternative